Friday, November 19, 2010

Top 3 Meditation Techniques For Teens to Relieve Stress

Teenagers are at increased risk of developing stress. If you are an adult, you may still remember how confusing teenage life was. This transition from childhood to adulthood can be difficult and confusing. Teenagers have to deal with school, family, peer pressure, academics and extra-curricular activities, and many more. Striking the balance among all of these can cause a lot of stress.

This is why teens must know how to deal with stress properly. Because if they can't deal with stress, they may get into depression or develop other diseases like heart disease. There are so many ways that you can deal with stress. If you love listening to music, try listening to soothing music when you feel stressed. Sports activities are also effective in relieving stress. Outdoor activities are also good outlets for stress. And did you know that video games can also relieve stress? For video games to be effective stress relievers, you must play for 30 minutes a day only.

Have you heard about meditation stress for teens? This is also an effective way to relieve stress.

You may think that meditation is only all about communing with God. But it can be more than that. Meditation stress for teens requires you to focus all your attention on something aside from the source of stress. During meditation stress for teens, you can focus your attention on a person who stands for love or a religious figure. Once you focus all your attention on that, your body and mind will relax.

You will also create a different outlook on your situation and not to mention feeling rejuvenated all over. There are also different techniques of meditation stress for teens. The top 3 are: guided meditation, yoga, and Tai Chi.

In guided meditation, a guide or teacher will help you meditate through visualizations of mental images of situations or places that you find relaxing. You will be using your different senses in order to make the visualizations. Yoga is fast becoming a famous exercise and meditation activity. This form of meditation stress for teens is all about performing posture and breathing exercises coupled with meditation. Yoga promotes flexibility and relaxation. Tai Chi, on the other hand, is a form of Chinese martial arts. Here you will perform self-paced movements or postures in slow, graceful manner while doing deep breathing.

These are the top 3 forms of meditation stress for teens. All these techniques promote physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. Diseases like asthma, depression, substance abuse, allergies, heart disease, fatigue, high blood pressure, and sleep problems are also resolved by meditation.

Try meditation stress for teens today. If you practice meditation daily, you will be assured of a stress-free life.

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